Thursday, June 5, 2008

Forced Reflection

"I'm fun Isaac!"

He is right.  I have spent the last month limiting God to being a God that only wants to test me and stretch me.  Yes, he wants me to grow in Him, and that often requires that I be tested and stretched, but He is SO much more!

I took a forced walk today as part of our Rest and Relaxation module at MTI.  I hate being alone.  

Often times when I think of alone time, I forget that I am never alone.  He is right there with me, longing for me to just listen, so that He can reveal beautiful things to me.  I can so easily listen to my own voice as I tell God about all my requests and complaints, but when He gets ready to respond to me, I have often turned away and gone about doing my own thing as if an answer is not forthcoming.  Of course He is going to answer me. I'm His son! He loves me!

Today was not a day of deep convictions, but of a simple message from my Father that He loves me.  In these times while I feel stressed He has reminded me that He is fun!  There is so much joy to be had in Him.

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