It seems that every post I write is rack with some heavy overtone. It would seem from this blog that my life is always on the brink of chaos or spiritual depression. Well, I need to disclaimer that and say that it's just not true. But in those many times of joy and completion, I don't feel the need to write about it. I simply enjoy them.
Its when I am feeling down, confused, or spiritually down that I feel the need to write my thoughts. I guess its kind of like when I am happy, I am quick to forget the Giver of all blessings and true joy. Yet when I am oppressed I am so quick to run to Him.
So since I am writing, I am sure you can guess that I am feelin' a little down. Yes fri
ends, this spiritual battle that is going on in my soul right now is raging more than ever. Yet, I am still trying to remember that He is in control and that with Him on my side I have won.
I am 66% supported. Praise the Lord! My vacation with family down at the Outer Banks, NC was such a blessings. I am now back in Blacksburg, trying to raise the last bit of my support. I fly to Bujumbura on September 9th!
I haven't even landed in Burundi and I am already plagued with insecurity in myself and my calling to serve Him. Its tiring. I am so tired of it.
He rose on the 3rd day and conquered sin. His love for me is unconditional. I rest my ever wiry head in this.